Capturing Moments: P1

´It's not just about taking pictures; it's about capturing the soul of the moment, freezing time, and making memories timeless.´- K

The Big Rocky

Shot on: Canon EOS-R (RF24-105 mm) Date: 16.02.2020 Location: (South of Queenstown, NZ)

Just before all that COVID craziness started, in Feb of 2020, me dad and I were on a road trip around New Zealand, covering both the South and North Islands. We had no idea what was about to unfold in the coming months, so we were just living in the moment. With over 3000 clicks of driving, New Zealand treated us to some breathtaking scenic routes, treks, friendly locals, incredible adventures, and towering mountains - truly unforgettable. Truth be told, the most special part of it all would be the time I spent with my dad.

We were on our way to Fiordland National Park from Queenstown, and a few clicks south of the Wakatipu Lake was when we spotted this long stretch of a rocky mountain. It was so beautiful to look at, with clouds casting shades all over it, a pinch of green, and blue water all around. I just had to pull over at the closest stop over to have a good look at it, that was the moment of the photo. To be honest the photo doesn´t do justice to how beautiful it was to look at in person. 

New Zealand might just take the cake for the fewest photos I've snapped on such an extensive trip. Here´s to a few that made it:

There is only one word for New Zealand - EPIC

Its called the Devils Staircase



Capturing Moments: P2


Way of Life: KARMA