Wrapped 2023

What a rollercoaster of a year it's been! Laughed, cried, witnessed some miracles, pulled off some dumb stunts, binged on tons of movies and TV, explored new places, did me fair share of running (probably more than necessary), hit the weights, pushed me body to its limits, got back on the field, and, most importantly, amidst all the chaos, the highlight was being back home with family and friends. Nothing beats that warmth and familiarity.

I haven't really shared much about me travels since I bid farewell to Instagram early in 2023. Although I didn't globe-trot as much as I'd initially planned (thanks to reconnecting with family and friends), I did manage to carve out some time for me travels. There's something immensely satisfying about traversing the lengths and breadths of India, a place that I'd missed for the past five years. Despite growing up here, every new town and city still manages to surprise me even to this day. Bring it on, 2024 - I'm ready for more adventures! Till then here´s to a bit of 2023 through my lens. 

Also a sincere apology to all me mates who I dragged into those early morning races (I know, 3 to 4 am is brutal), the summer hikes, the late-night matches, and those grueling workouts. Trust me, one day, it's all gonna be worth it. Cheers to the memories and the gains!

Wrapping things up with a few snapshots of the sunset on New Year's Eve and the first sunrise of 2024 from over 5000ft.


Capturing Moments: P6


Way of Life: The Simple Things